The Book of Joann


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Self Care - When Life Gets Heavy We Need To Pause & Say "STOP THE MADNESS"

 LIFE… Our daily grind. The hustle and bustle of life as a whole.

Every day we wake up and plan our course of the day to accomplish our goals, and take care of the duties of daily life. Sometimes, that revolving door of repetitiveness becomes bland and heavy at the same time. Over and over again marching into the daily routine like you were put on autopilot, feeling robotic (empty) as you are fumbling through your day. Does this sound eerily familiar? Now add in the bantering and static of the daily news, happenings in the world and social media madness. It is too much!!!              

I recently went through this situation. I felt everything was heavy, with all this negativity thrashing around me. My world felt claustrophobic as the air was being depleted out of my body. I always say, “Run Lisa Run”, when I describe my life! As the air became dense, and the walls continued to close in, I decide to make a choice. The choice was “Self Care” - I let out a big scream and said, “Stop The Madness”!!!

I decided to take back the control, and step away from the lime light for a little bit to clear my mind, recharge my battery and replenish my soul.

This is a very important lesson for all of us. Try not to wait until you feel like you are drowning before you take your stand. Learn how to take time for YOU. Practice the pause. The pause in life. Create a time frame that was molded just for you. A sacred place to just be in the moment. For some it may be the ocean, and others it could be the mountains. I know many people who engross themselves in a good book to escape reality just for a little bit.

All of the above are worthy!

As for myself, anything to do with being outside in nature is my go to serenity. When I am one with the earth, wild life and flowers I am happy. To watch the birds, or explore new areas excite me. Smelling the flowers and following a butterfly flicker from place to place gives me simple pleasure.

The point I am trying to make is this - Whatever brings you to that place of simplicity is the key to self care. The grounding “affect”, and the reconnection of Mind - Body - Spirit!

I felt writing this today was very important as this is my first day fully back on social media. I wanted to sent out this important message and say, “Take care of YOU”!

We are living, breathing creatures that work best when we feel whole, rested and alive!

So now take this important advice and apply it to your own life. It is time to stand and shout - Stop The Madness! Are you ready?


Turned out and confused - What are the right things to do?

I think, I think, my thoughts running wild, crazed with paranoia uncontrolled – can’t catch the wave of emotion that hits like a tidal wave rushing through my brain, until I SCREAM “ Stop the Madness”….

I think how can I stop this crazy train?  Next stop Grand Central, Time Square, my imaginary stop to get me out of here – placing myself in another spot, another time just trying to clear my mind.

It’s amazing what the mind can do…  How it switches up changing its speed too…  Who has control, my mind or me?  It’s a great question to ask, sounds pretty straightforward, but I can’t seem to see…

Stop the madness I continue to plea, begging for these thoughts to leave me be…  where is my peace, my serenity, please send me into my own eternity…

Give me the silence of the night  - this is were I find my light, filled with the warming calm of my wave pool of thoughts, this is were I achieve my peace, my calm, my surreal sleep…   I am free

To dream the night away, and then awake refreshed – rejuvenated - on my way to tackle the newness of this beautiful day…

Written by:  Lisa Zarcone

Author - Public Speaker - Child & Mental Health Advocate - Blogger

Massachusetts National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Lisa Zarcone