The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


Triumph Talks Interview with Melanie Hansen Davis - Sharing My Unspoken Truths For Purpose

Triumph Press - Melanie Hansen Davis has created a Youtube channel called “Triumph Talks” for the purpose of promoting author’s and their important stories.

Melanie reached out to me, and we decided that collaborating together, we can create a series of interviews focusing on my stories, and journey towards healing.

There are many lessons to share, and by creating this series of interviews, we are sending a BIG message out into the world.


CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: Listen to Melanie and I discussing my first book, “The Unspoken Truth”. Powerful Interview

If you enjoy this interview, please subscribe to this youtube channel and follow my journey, lessons and “Life Wisdom”.

Embrace The Journey,

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Author - Child & Mental Health Advocate - Public Speaker

MA National Ambassador for Naasca (National Assoc. of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)

Author - Lisa Zarcone

Lisa Zarcone