Our System Continues To Fail Our Children – Two Similar Stories – Two Devastating Outcomes – WE As A Nation Need To Do Better
All over our country children continue to be abused every single day. The numbers continue to rise, not only with abuse, but in the death toll of our children.
The system continues to fail them, and the courts are allowing innocent children to be brought back to unsafe environments. They are not supervising and doing the proper research before sending these kids back into dangerous situations.
There needs to be more extensive information brought to the table, as well as, more follow up procedures set in place. The courts are over run with cases riddled with trauma, neglect and abuse, and we need to find better solutions to this deplorable situation.
There needs to be stricter laws set into place, and parents and guardians need to be put to the test on higher levels to make sure that they are fit and sound enough to care for the child. If they need more support and guidance along the way, that should be mandatory in order to gain back custody of the child in question.
I understand that the courts want children to go back with their parents (and in theory) that would be the appropriate answer, but not if the parent continues to fail the child, continually putting them at risk. There needs to be a cut off, when we say as a community “Enough is Enough”. Every child deserves a safe and loving home!
How is it that parents with violent histories, countless arrests and jail time are easily gaining access to their children?
Parents and guardians with continued drug use, and being in abusive relationships, are also gaining back their children, without enough documentation to prove they are fit.
We need change, and it has to come from every community taking the steps to fight for it. Be a voice for our youth, they need us so desperately. I urge you to look around your own community, ask the questions, and see how you can help. If we do not step up NOW, the numbers will continue to rise, and we will lose countless children to horrific situations.
Imagine being “that child” living with unspeakable abuse every day until they die at the very hands that are supposed to love and protect them.
The stories in the news continue to grow more and more twisted with torturous abuse on children.
I ask WHY? What would make someone want to hurt an innocent child in such a way. WHY – would someone enjoy seeing the pain and anguish on a child’s face, as the light dims from their soulful eyes.
How can this be? The innocent being abused in such horrendous ways.
PLEASE – Step up for the children, and do not be afraid to ask the questions, you WILL be saving a life!
I am going to share two stories that have been in the news coming from Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They are both similar in how things transpired.
Harmony Montgomery and Elijah Lewis both 5 years old. They went through horrific abuse before their death’s.
Harmony was killed by her own father as her stepmother never stepped up to protect her. Watching her husband continually beat her until death.
Elijah was killed by his mother’s boyfriend as she was a participant in the abuse. They tortured him until he died.
The connection to both cases, is that these children were allowed by the courts to go back to unfit parents! They were allowed to cross state lines without proper supervision and follow ups.
These children were thrown to the wolves!!!
Read about both of their stories by clicking the links below:
Elijah Lewis
‘Violence and neglect’: Father of 5-year-old boy found dead sues mom - masslive.com
Harmony Montgomery
Recently I spoke with a foster mother here in Massachusetts, as she is caring for a beautiful 6-year-old girl for over a year. She was taken from her mother and boyfriend because of abuse, neglect and drug addiction. The mother lost both of her children to the system, and has failed over and over again to get her life together to gain her children back.
Now, the biological father (who lives in Vermont) has been pushing to gain custody. He has a violent past, but DCF has considered him as a proper placement. Also, the grandfather (who lives in New Hampshire), threw his hat in the ring, wanting to gain custody. He is unsafe, and his own daughter stated that he was abusive, and she did not want him caring for her. Of course, the courts are looking at all of these options.
Do you see the similarity of this case, compared to Harmony and Elijah. It is mind-blowing to think, after these two high profile cases, which resulted in the death of two children, could possibly repeat itself.
Did they not learn anything from repeating these cycles?
I urged the foster mother to fight for more information to be established before any type of unification could happen. I told her to bring up both of these cases as examples, of not having enough evidence of a safe home, and the danger of crossing state lines. I also encouraged her to go to State Representatives, the Attorney General and the Governor! I told her to do everything in her power to protect this child.
I told her to be a voice, and do not back down! This child is thriving in her home, and she asked if she could be adopted and stay there forever. She finally found “HOME” and they want to rip the rug out from under her. This child’s opinion should matter, but in the eyes of DCF and the courts it doesn’t. I believe children know better! They feel it in their little souls. It is sad to me to think that their voices are silenced by a flawed system.
Unfortunately, when children cross state lines they are not monitored appropriately, and get lost in the system. This is when tragedy occurs.
History has proven itself over and over again, so why do they keep on sending them back?
There is so much work to be done, and it has to start with us, the everyday people in this world.
Life is stressful and busy for all of us, but we must take time to look at our surroundings and get involved. That is the only way we will see change happen.
This is our next generation, and they deserve a strong foundation to build upon.
The big question is “How are we going to get them their safety?”
Food for thought!
Please share this message, and decide to step up.
Embrace the Journey,
God Bless,
Lisa Zarcone
Author – Child & Mental Health Advocate – Public Speaker – Social Media Influencer – Blogger
MA National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)
2023 Women of Impact – Business West Magazine
2021 Heroine Award Winner (unsung hero)
MA Commission on the Status of Women