The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you



I wanted to thank everyone for connecting with me through out 2018 and supporting me, my story and the work that I do.

I pledge that 2019 will be a year of rising above even higher than before. My voice will be strong as I skip into the new year with strength, confidence as I continue on my mission to raise awareness.

The children NEED us! Those who struggle with mental health issues NEED us!

I will continue to advocate for the voiceless, bring their stories to the light of day, and promote healing along the way. This is my pledge to all of you for 2019.

Please visit my others pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see what I am up to next. Come back to and read my informative blog posts. Also, I am working on Book 2 “The book of Joann” - A mother/daughter journey with mental illness. I am also looking for a home for my children’s series “Phoebe and Valentines Great Adventures” - sweet and funny stories that will engage children as well as adults as these two journey together with their “unique” family. These stories will teach children the true meaning of family.

Stay tuned for 2019 - It will be an Epic year!

God Bless & Embrace The Journey

Lisa Zarcone

Author/Child & Mental Health Advocate/Public Speaker/Blogger/Inspirationalist

The Unspoken Truth A Memoir

Massachusetts National Ambassador/Regional Director (NE) NAASCA

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