The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


Filming Tomorrow with - Foundation of Change with Janine Zagel -Sharing My Story & My Mission

I am exciting to be filming tomorrow as I continue to share my personal story The Unspoken Truth A Memoir and my mission for awareness and change!

As an advocate (NAASCA) for child abuse/safety and mental health awareness/stigmas It is so important to educate others on these “taboo” subjects. We need to talk about it. Our voices must be heard! We can break the silence together through strong words and actions.


About BATV    

Billerica Access Television, Inc.’s community volunteers, along with a governing body and professional staff are dedicated to preserving and advancing provisions that encourage and promote the expression of free flowing ideas and speech.  To that end, we believe more communication is better than less and encourage users to express themselves utilizing BATV’s resources and training programs thru the medium of television and the world wide web. Referred to as Billerica’s First Amendment Forum, electronic soapbox and clearing house of information, BATV was incorporated in 1987. The membership based non-profit, non-commercial Public, Educational and Government (PEG) access television corporation and educational / technical / media center is located at 430 Boston Road in Billerica.

BATV’s membership is comprised of volunteers of all ages and includes Billerica residents, businesses and community organizations. Studios, field and post production equipment and training for BATV’s resources ranging from the basics of video production to advanced concepts that include technological interfaces of cable, TV, and web platforms are available to users.  Fun and efficient classes for equipment use and production concepts are regularly offered to meet the needs and demanding schedules of pending and / or current members.

As a forum for free expression, residents and / or individuals with BATV membership status present and / or produce all programming cablecast on the access channels. Programming includes topics that are of interest and importance to the community and may be viewed on Comcast channels 8 (Public), 22 (Educational) and 99 (Government) and on Verizon channels 31 (Public), 24 (Educational) and 26 (Government) in Billerica or on the world wide web utilizing BATV’s Video on Demand service.

We at BATV believe freedom of expression and speech are important rights and instead of restricting speech, we encourage open extensive communication while promoting diversity and responsibility.

Exercise your freedom, your rights and your responsibilities

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