The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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Children Are Resilient - Coping Skills Developed in Childhood Can Still Work As An Adult

As a child I struggled tremendously with abuse coming at me from all angles.

It started at a young age, as my mother suffered from mental illness. My brother and I were left alone with her and her unstable and abusive behaviors. We had zero understanding as to what was happening, and lived in uncertain times every day.

When my brother passed away at the age of 9, I had to learn how to cope with loss, instability and disturbing silence. I was only 6 years old.

As time moved forward I had to endure many forms of abuse throughout my young life:

Mental Abuse - Emotional Abuse - Physical Abuse - Sexual Abuse (by the hands of a second abuser) Abandonment

How does a young mind cope with such dysfunction?

It is amazing how resilient children can be. I remember back to those times of great struggle and what stands out to me the most is that raw determination to find goodness in my days.

I would go out into my yard, there were woods in the back and I would go on great expeditions exploring nature. With my trusty dog by my side, armed with a sketch pad, journal, pens and pencils, we would go deep into the woods alone! It was there that I would find my inner peace. The crackling of the trees and the beautiful smell of the pine.

Finally, I would find my destination and sit under the perfect tree. Taking in the smell of the pine, listening to the birds chirp, I was transported to many different places as I fantasized about a safe home, far away adventures and happiness.

As I wrote in my journal, sketched my surroundings I found my peace. These precious moments gave my mind a chance to rest. I was unknowingly recharging my batteries, with these self-soothing techniques that I was truly unaware of. I was a child! How did I know any different?

I know now that those special moments alone, are a big part of what helped me cope and survive a deplorable situation. With my trusty dog by my side, I felt like I would be OK.

Fast forward - so many years later, those same coping skills still work! Everything that we do to help ourselves does not have to be a grand gesture. It is back to the basics!

It is time to listen to your inner child and see what he/she may need.

We can gain much wisdom by channeling our “resilient inner-child” and retrace those steps towards healing the soul.

Society does not give children enough credit! They know more than they say, and have the courage to do more than many adults.

Take a peek - What is your inner child saying to you?

Back to the basics!

Embrace the Journey

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Author/Child & Mental Health Advocate/Public Speaker/Blogger/Inspirationalist

The Unspoken Truth A Memoir - A Child’s Story - An Adults Journey Towards Healing
