Reflections: The Year is 2021
Reflections: The Year 2021
Every year I do a final blog to take a look back, reflect and put out my intentions for the new year. I believe we should all be doing this.
Take some time and write down your thoughts and feelings about your year as a whole, and state your intentions for the new year to come. It is a great way to clear your mind of the residue of the past, and shift gears to what great possibilities there are waiting for you in 2022.
2021 has been quite challenging as we continue to maneuver through Covid-19, Violence in our Society, Lack of Empathy for Cultural Diversity, and Political Divides. Also add in the Mental Health Stresses put upon our youth during the Covid-19 crisis.
We have used the words: Isolation, Depression, Stress & Anxiety, and Social Fears. Imagine being the “youth of this generation” and the pressures that they have endured, followed by all the social media bullying, bantering and negativity!
YES -- It has been a stressful year for all of us.
Adults, Children, Elderly, we have all endured and felt the pressures placed upon us for a variety of reasons. So, as we walk through the last week of 2021, I believe we can confidently say - “Always Move Forward”!
For myself, this past year has had many highs and lows, with a mixed bag of tricks in between. I have stepped up my game in all aspects of my life, and I continue to work hard to accomplish my goals, wishes and dreams. I wear many hats throughout my days, and I call myself the constant juggler.
When I think about my daily grind and what I do, I surprise myself because I squeeze so much into every single day. Run, Lisa Run…
I am sure countless people feel the same way that I do, always on the run to the next daily adventure, trying to keep it all organized as we prioritize what needs to be done first. We are the “doers”.
I always try to remind myself to take a moment to breathe (which can be hard when your mind is always on overdrive). This is the most important advice I can give to anyone. Take time for YOU. Take a little time each and every day to just be, and clear your mind. I call this the “Brain Break”. We all need it.
As we step into 2022 let’s leave the negativity of this past year at the door, and work on renewing our energy. If we can all step up to bring in some positive light, oh what a year it could be.
Again, reflect and let go. Time to shift gears to the future and envision what you want to see manifest.
I always start out with a game plan, and then focus on making it all a reality one step at a time. I imagine myself already there, feeling that inner pride and glory of success. I put myself in the moment, and I use that energy to fuel my determination to make things happen.
2022 is going to be the year that my next book will be published! I see it. I see myself holding this novel, and I know what the cover will look like. I see success as I navigate forward using “The Book of Joann” as a tool to bring further awareness to mental illness, generational abuse, and the stigmas that continue to surround the topic of Mental Health.
My mother, Joann, suffered for years with mental illness and I wrote her story from start to finish and all that had happened in between. I share the relationship of a mother and daughter marred by illness and circumstance. This is a powerful story of courage, strength, resilience and a love that could never be broken.
So, as I look forward to what is to come, I cannot help but smile because I know I will achieve my goals.
“Hard work and determination open’s doors, but true passion opens the mind” Quoted by: Lisa Zarcone
There it is - I am going to make peace with 2021 and I openly embrace 2022 with wide arms and a broad smile. I am dancing through life!
Who is with me? Who wants to dance?
Embrace the Journey,
God Bless, Lisa Zarcone
2021 Heroine Award Recipient - Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women
Massachusetts National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)
Author - The Unspoken Truth A Memoir
Public Speaker - Child & Mental Health Advocate - Blogger - Inspirationalist
Social Media Influencer - Radio & TV Personality
Shining brightly for all the world to see