The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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Mindset – Does It Really Make a Difference?

Mindset - The established set of attitudes held by someone.


Over this past year with the pandemic, economic crisis, racial imbalance and presidential debacle, many people have shifted their old ways of thinking and doing.   As a nation we have gone through many necessary changes, and far too many uncomfortable situations.

As we push forward our thoughts, views and mindset have changed!

There is that word – Mindset!

The mind, our thoughts, the brain…

As children growing up, we have all experienced different things in our lives.   When looking back we can fondly remember wonderful moments in time, or we can feel the pains of the past.  As we have grown up, many of us have pondered over the fact that life could have been changed if we experienced different things.   Life could have been better if someone maybe stepped in to help out a child or young adult in need of being removed from a bad situation or environment.

Many thoughts, and different scenario’s shroud our minds!

How does mindset play into all of this?

We all have ideas and goals.   How do we get from point A to B?    It is about mindset!

It all begins with a dream.   As children we dreamed of doing so many incredible things.  The childlike mind knowing NO limitations.   What a wonderful place to be in that “childlike” techno-colored world.

It is there, that incredible things can and will happen.   We must go back to the beginning, and tap into what fuels our passion.   What was that inner drive that excited you?       WE must remember.    

Once you tap into that inner energy that is where a whole new mindset will begin.  

Dream it

Plan it

Do it


I have always said, that “Mindset is the key to success” 

Hard work and determination open doors, but true passion opens the mind.  

I believe this whole-heartedly, because I have lived it.  The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.  I have been to the lowest of lows, and the highest of highs. What was it that got me to those highs, Mindset!!

I always set goals for myself, and I envisioned myself already there.   Once I have that vision in my mind, I push forward with very strong determination to reach my final destination.  It is with that powerful mindset, I can see it through, and ultimately reach my goals.

I have had people argue the fact that if you envision yourself already there, you will become lazy and not make it happen.   I beg to differ (my opinion).

Throughout my life, a strong mindset is what helped me through some of the most difficult times on my journey.    Mindset is a practiced skill, but once you begin to focus on it, many incredible things begin to happen.

It is time to work on “self-talk”!  Be your own cheerleader, and walk yourself through the process.   You can write your goals in a journal, begin each day with reading them out loud to yourself.  Let the words sink in.  Then get to work!

Also, write quotes and phrases that resonate with you, and keep them close at hand.  When you begin to doubt yourself, pull out those notes and read them over and over again.   Work towards changing your negative thoughts to positive ones.

Begin by replacing “I can’t” with “I will”.   Focus, focus, focus.    As your move forward you will find that all of these self-help tools really do work.   It doesn’t happen in a day, or even a week, but it does happen.  Before you know it, you will be applying these skills to your everyday life.

The best part is that it is contagious!

When other people see you determined and thriving in life, they are going to pay attention and follow your lead.    Of course, everyone wants to know the answer to this big question - “How are you succeeding in life, and what is the secret”?   

The answer - MINDSET — My Motto for 2023 is “Eye on the Prize” meaning set your goals,

focus of the end results and work really hard to get there!

Visualize yourself “Winning” & Be your own Cheerleader!

Food for thought!

Embrace the Journey,

God Bless,

Lisa Zarcone

Social Media Influencer

MA National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)

Author – Child & Mental Health Advocate – Public Speaker – Blogger – Inspirationalist
