The Gift of A Book - You Do Not Need A Season
As the author of The Unspoken Truth a Memoir and The Book of Joann, I step forward every day trying my best to bring awareness to these strong subjects of - child abuse, child safety, mental health and trauma.
By sharing my stories, I am giving a voice to so many people who feel that they cannot speak for themselves.
I was that person not all that long ago. When I decided to break the silence and share my “truths” it set me free. Once the flood gates opened there was no turning back.
It has been an amazing journey to get here, and now to be able to turn around and extend a helping hand to all who struggle silently is the most amazing feeling.
I hear from people all over the world who connect with me privately. We all share that common bond of trauma and abuse. Also, the mental health factor! There is so much to unpack around these topics.
Giving the gift of a book is such a wonderful thing you can do for someone who is struggling or educating themselves. Powerful stories withstand the test of time, because long after you put the book down, the lessons and experiences stay with people.
Consider giving the gift of a book, and you do not need a special occasion to do so. This is an open invitation 365 days a year.
The Unspoken Truth: A Memoir: Zarcone, Lisa: 9781535601481: Books
You can also find me on Barnes & Noble on line.
Embrace the Journey,
God Bless,
Lisa Zarcone
Author - Child & Mental Health Advocate - Social Media Influencer - Blogger
MA National Ambassador for Naasca - National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
2023 Women of Impact - Business West Magazine
Springfield MA Public Library Book Fair
Helix Human Services RISE UP CONFERENCE 2024