The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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Dedicated To The Children and Adult Survivors of Abuse/Trauma - My Last Blog In 2019

This poem is dedicated to all the children who are struggling at this time and to all the adult survivors of abuse. It is a long battle to freedom and I hope I can be a beacon of light to those in need of support, kindness and love.. We march on Together - We STAND - #metooCSA #naasca #unspokentruth #truthOWNit


Marching on with stars in your eyes as that glimmer of hope
Guides you forward fighting an invisible battle of freedom…
On and on you travel this child of the night never wavering on your mission
Stumbling through the rubble that others have thrown in your path
Sifting through the spewed garbage left for you to clean, oh the unseen fury inside the soul trembling with fear tainted with a dash of anger
Traveling forward, marching on like obedient little soldiers doing as your told feeling darker and dirtier as the journey unfolds.
Dedicated are thee the innocent victims of circumstance trying to right the wrongs as you stay vigilant in your loyalty of deceit - inflicted consuming your being as you once were an angel of god, now tossed in the depths of hell’s fury seeking redemption for your abusers as you stay silent in your misery.
March on March on - The battle continues for the wide eyed wondrous little soldier wanting nothing more than to play happily in the field of dreams instead dropped in the pit of disaster
How do we claim victory these children of the night, seeking a safe flight out of harms way evils night as the bombs explode around you relishing in the pain marching beyond the rain with zero restrain…
Toy soldiers how can this be once innocent now misery in the trenches so dirty and deep, how can you clean your feet, and cleanse your soul without screaming defeat…
Gallantly you make your way forward claiming victory for each battle won, fighting for that sun, bringing you back to the light of day, pushing all that rain away…
March on I do say resilience is guiding the way as you canter up the mountainous peeks, dropping the masks of deceit, staking your flag in the ground, your story so profound as the glorious words roll from your lips – I refuse to be defeated freedom is at my fingertips…
Toy Soldier Victoriously made your way by the grace of god you are here to stay, staking your claim on life full and true, no more silence the war has subdued.

Written by: Lisa Zarcone
Author/Public Speaker/Child & Mental Health Advocate/Blogger/Inspirationalist

The Unspoken Truth A Memoir is my personal story and this poem is dedicated to all the Toy Soldiers out there who continue to make their way through LIFE.. NO more silence.
